Boredom Busters
Boredom Buster Kits include items to help alleviate family boredom.
Kits can be checked out for one week.
Kits are not able to be renewed.
Kits can be placed on hold.
No inter-library loan.

Boredom Buster #1
Tic-Tac-Toe game
Shadows in the Forest game
Whoo's there shadow book
Melissa and Doug flashlight

Boredom Buster #2
My Neighbor Totoro DVD
Sushi Go! Card Game
Yum-Yum Bento Box Book

Boredom Buster #3
Cat VanGogh puzzle
Bob Ross Game
Pictionary Card Game

Boredom Buster #4
One night Ultimate Werewolf
Old Mummy card game
Gross Cookbook

Boredom Buster #5
Stacking animals
Spot It Jr. animals
Outfoxed game

Boredom Buster #6
Dog Pile game
Throw throw burrito
Taco cat goat cheese pizza

Boredom Buster #7
Adult Puzzles: England
English castle puzzle
3D London puzzle

Boredom Buster #8
Adult puzzles: America
American flag puzzle
Capitol Building puzzle

Boredom Buster #9
Family Puzzles: USA
States puzzle
National Parks puzzle

Boredom Buster #10
Family Puzzles: Space
Glowing space puzzle
Space explorer puzzle

Boredom Buster #11
Small Fry Puzzles: Dinos
Coogam (think Tetris)
Search and find dinos

Boredom Buster #12
Small Fry Puzzle: Shapes
Happy Farms shadow puzzle