Electronic E-Readers (Kindle, Nook, IPad, etc)
Using eBooks @ Delphos Public Library
OverDrive is the library's supplier of digital media and the free software needed to enjoy them. The links below offer video tutorials, downloadable instructions, and more to help you start enjoying eBooks from Delphos Public Library.
As always, if you don't find the answer you need, call the library or stop by--we're here to help.
Get started.
Need help downloading eBooks from the library's catalog? Following this link takes you to links to web pages, information, and videos that can help you get started using the library's selection of eBooks and other downloadable materials.
You may also visit the OverDrive Help site directly.
For lists of compatible devices and computers and compatible audio devices, follow this link: Supported Devices
The following links are tutorials on using ebooks for a variety of devices:
For iPad and Apple
Download materials to enjoy.
Ready to start downloading materials? Start at "iDownloads" online catalog:
the iDownloads Catalog, ebooks and more
To log in and check out materials, you'll need a valid library card from the Delphos Public Library:
Click on the "My Account" tab or the "Login" button.
Select "Delphos Public Library" as your library
Enter your library card number
Enter your PIN
eBooks and other digital materials may also be downloaded from: