Behavior Policy

Behavior Policy (revised)

To maintain an atmosphere appropriate for work, study and enjoyment for all library users and staff, the following policy on behavior in the Delphos Public Library has been established. Library staff will courteously, but firmly, enforce this policy.

Appropriate library activities include: browsing for materials, reading, thinking, quiet conversations, homework, writing reports and researching. If library games, puzzles, computers or audio-visual equipment are available, they are to be used quietly, so as not to disturb others. Group study of up to four at one table and quiet tutoring of students is permitted. Group study by, or tutoring of, more students at one time, or any other group work which creates enough noise to disrupt other patrons, must be conducted in the meeting room, following meeting room policies and procedures.

Inappropriate activities include:

  1. Loud or boisterous behavior.

  2. Conversations that are disturbing to other patrons or employees.

  3. Profanity or other abusive language to other patrons or employees.

  4. Abusing library furniture, equipment or materials, vandalism.

  5. Running in building.

  6. Harassing others, either verbally or through actions, harassment may include initiating unwanted conversations, impeding access to the building, etc.

  7. Fighting on library property.

  8. Using tobacco in any form while inside the library building or on library grounds.

  9. Possession, sale or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances/drugs on library property.

  10. Sleeping in the library.

  11. Using radios, other personal listening devices or cell phone rings and alerts at a level that can by heard by others (turn down cell phone volume).

  12. Skateboarding, rollerblading and like activities anywhere on library property.

  13. No animals are permitted in the library other than guide dogs and the like.

  14. Shirts and shoes are required.

  15. Using emergency exits at times other than during an emergency.

  16. Moving furniture or putting feet on furniture.

  17. Loitering

  18. Inappropriate public displays of affection.

  19. Weapons are defined as a handgun; rifle, knife, substance, and/or any other object whose purpose or use is to inflict physical harm to another individual are not permitted. Weapons are not prohibited in the Library unless the owner of the weapon is a law enforcement officer. Per Ohio Revised Code 2923, even persons having a valid State of Ohio permit to carry a concealed weapon are not allowed to have them in a public library.

Patrons who are behaving inappropriately or disruptively will be warned that the behavior must stop. If the behavior is not immediately corrected, the person will be requested to leave the premises. For serious violations, patrons may be asked to leave even if they correct the problem. Anyone who does not leave after being told to do so will be considered a trespasser and will be treated accordingly, including involving the police. Habitual abusers of library rules may have library privileges restricted for a period of time up to and including permanently revoking library privileges.

These rules have been adopted for the comfort and protection of all those using library materials and services. The Library staff will courteously, but firmly, enforce them. We ask your cooperation in maintaining a pleasant atmosphere, conducive to the effective use of the library.

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